rooms in a house bedroom 3d folding worksheet

Rooms in a House Worksheets for Preschool | 17 Free Printables

Rooms in a House Worksheets for Preschoolers | These printables are great for preschoolers to learn all about the different rooms in a house vocabulary. There are 17 Free PDF printables for you to download and some PPT presentations to help you teach the vocabulary.

rooms in a house cut and paste worksheet

Rooms in a House Worksheets Preschool

Here’s the first of the Rooms in a house worksheets for preschoolers. It’s a tracing and matching activity. Students must match the rooms in a house word to the picture. There are 5 types of rooms: bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room.

Here’s the second of the Rooms in a House worksheets. It’s a cut and paste worksheet where students must paste the room word in the correct room. There are 5 vocabulary words: bedroom (2), bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room.

Here’s the third of the Rooms in a House worksheets. It’s a cut and paste worksheet where students must paste the room word in the house. Then they must draw the room. There are 5 vocabulary words: bedroom (2), bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room.

Rooms in a House Worksheets | Coloring Printables

Here’s a fun coloring worksheet to practice things in a house like: bed, lamp, sofa, table and chair.

Here’s a fun coloring worksheet to practice rooms in a house. There are 5 rooms: bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, and garage.

House Flashcards

Here are 28 flashcards for rooms and things in a house: bed, sofa, picture, TV, pillow, air conditioner, bookshelf, chair, carpet, desk, lamp, mirror, fridge, sink, chairs, washer, bin, clock, plant, wardrobe, drawers, slippers, toilet, window, bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom.

Bedroom 3D Folding Worksheet

rooms in a house bedroom 3d folding worksheet
Bedroom 3D Folding Worksheet

Your students will love this 3d folding bedroom worksheet. They can first color the bedroom objects like: bed, wardrobe, carpet, slippers, air conditioner, plant, bin and more. Then it just needs to be cut and assembled. There are 2 versions: the black and white version, and the color version.

Here’s the 3D Folding worksheet with the bedroom in color.

Bedroom 3D Folding Worksheet Vocabulary Presentation

Here’s a fun presentation that goes with the 3D folding worksheet. This PPT slideshow teaches all about things in a bedroom.

Bedroom by

Kitchen 3D Folding Worksheet

Here’s another awesome 3D folding worksheet that your students will love. This is all about things in the kitchen. Your students can learn about: fridge, oven, sink, pots, utensils, sauces, and more. Be sure to check out our PPT presentation below that makes teaching the vocabulary even easier.

If you want to teach about kitchen vocabulary, but don’t want your kids to color, here’s the same worksheet already colored.

Kitchen 3D Folding Worksheet Vocabulary Presentation

Here’s a fun presentation that goes with the 3D folding worksheet. This PPT slideshow teaches all about things in a kitchen.

Kitchen by

Rooms in a House Worksheets Preschool | Free for Everyone

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