Jobs Worksheets Preschool | These printables are great for preschoolers to learn all about jobs and occupations. There are 16 Free PDF printables for you to download.
Jobs Worksheets Preschool
Here’s the first of the jobs worksheets for preschoolers. It’s a tracing and matching activity. Students must match the job word to the picture. There are 5 types of jobs: doctor, nurse, dentist, vet, teacher.
Here’s the second of the jobs worksheets. It’s also a matching worksheet. There are 5 job words with this printable: police officer, pilot, farmer, artist, firefighter.
Here’s the third of the jobs worksheets. It’s a matching activity where students must match the job picture to the place. There are 5 jobs and 5 places: doctor/hospital, chef/restaurant, teacher/school, astronaut/rocket, farmer/farm.
Here’s the fourth of the jobs worksheets. It’s a matching activity where students must match the job picture to the word. There are 5 types of jobs: florist, astronaut, chef, painter, hairdresser.
Here’s the fifth of the jobs worksheets. It’s a drawing worksheet. Students must draw a job that they like.
Here’s the sixth of the jobs preschool worksheets. It’s a jobs cube (jobs dice). Your students will have a great time coloring the cube. Once it’s assembled they will love throwing it and saying what the vocabulary word is.
Here’s the seventh of the jobs preschool worksheets. It’s a mini book that’s easy to assemble with one piece of paper.
Jobs Worksheets | Coloring Worksheets
Here are 3 coloring worksheets for students to learn about jobs. There are 5 different jobs on each page. The first worksheet has: teacher, doctor, nurse, farmer and astronaut.
The second coloring worksheet has 5 more jobs: pilot, vet, police officer, firefighter and singer.
The third coloring worksheet also has 5 jobs: mechanic, soldier, scientist, photographer, and painter.
Jobs Worksheets Preschool | Jobs Flashcards
Here are 24 jobs flashcards (4 each on 6 pages). These jobs flashcards are also aware of diversity and inclusion. We hope you and your students enjoy.
Jobs Worksheets Preschool | Free for Everyone
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