country worksheets, cut and paste 6 countries

Country Worksheets for Preschool | 22 Free PDF Printables

Country Worksheets Preschool | These printables are great for preschoolers to learn all about countries. There are 22 Free PDF printables for you to download.

22 Country Worksheets for Preschool

Here’s the first of the country worksheets for preschoolers. It’s a trace and match activity where students must draw a line from the country flag to the country name. There are 5 countries: U.S.A, China, Brazil, the U.K. and South Africa.

Here’s the second of the country worksheets. It’s also a trace and match activity. This has the 5 largest countries by population: China, India, U.S.A, Indonesia, Pakistan.

Here’s the third of the country worksheets. It’s a trace and match activity. This time there are the 5 largest countries by area: Russia, Canada, China, U.S.A, Brazil.

Here’s the fourth of the country worksheets. It’s a trace and match activity. This worksheet is all about countries in Asia. There are 5 Asian countries: Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia.

Here’s the fifth of the country worksheets. It’s a fun matching activity where students must match the country flag with the famous landmark. There are 5 countries and landmarks: France = Eiffel Tower, Egypt = Pyramids, Italy = Leaning Tower of Pisa, China = Great Wall, U.S.A. = Statue of Liberty.

Here’s the sixth of the country worksheets. It is an exciting cut and paste activity. There is a world map with 6 country flags and 6 places to paste them: U.S.A, Brazil, France, South Africa, China, Australia.

Countries Video

Here’s a video about countries. It might be a bit advanced for preschoolers but enjoyable all the same. There are 10 countries in the video and students can learn about populations, capital cities and more.

Test your world knowledge with this quiz! What country is it?

Countries Coloring Worksheets

Here are some fun coloring worksheets to learn about different countries and their flags. There are 2 sets of flags for each country, one with color and the other without color. Your students must color the flag so that they match. Here’s the first of the coloring country worksheets. There are 5 countries: U.S.A., Great Britain, Canada, Mexico and France.

Here’s the second country coloring worksheet. There are 5 countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, Argentina and Brazil.

Here’s the third of the country coloring worksheets. There are 5 country flags to color: Turkey, Switzerland, Sweden, South Africa and the Netherlands.

Here’s the fourth of the coloring country worksheets. Your students have 5 country flags to color: Belgium, Iceland, New Zealand, Hungary, and India.

Here’s the fifth of the country coloring worksheets. There are 5 countries: Finland, Norway, Venezuela, Russia, and China.

Here’s the sixth of the country coloring worksheets. There are 5 flags to color: Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand.

Country Worksheets | Match the Flag to the Country Outline

Here are some exciting country worksheets to learn about flags and the shape of the countries. Your students must draw a line to match the flag to the outline. Here’s the first worksheet. There are 5 countries to match: U.S.A., England, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

Here’s the second worksheet. There are 5 more countries to match: Thailand, Philippines, South Korea, China and Japan.

Here’s the third of the matching worksheets. There are 5 countries: France, Germany, Italy, Netherland, and Switzerland.

Country Flashcards

Here are 28 country flashcards for you to download. There are 4 flashcards on each of 7 pages.

Country Worksheets Preschool | Free for Everyone

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2 thoughts on “Country Worksheets for Preschool | 22 Free PDF Printables”

  1. Jacqueline Kiyohara

    I’m a teacher at an international kindergarten in Japan.
    I usually make my own worksheets, but I was looking for ideas on countries, and I’ve just found some great worksheets on your site that I can use!
    Thank you so much for a great site with so many topics.
    Will be back.
    Thank you so much and take care!

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